Books I Love



The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places youll go. ~ Dr SeussThe more that you write the more beautiful you will grow, so give it a try and watch it all flow. Me :)Reading and writing exploring, and uniting, thats what we do, and we are always inviting. You are always welcome to participate and submit an opinion, an idea or something you wrote.Homework tonight REAd! Homework tomorrow WritEBut most important of all that we said, and we did, is the love that we feel for the books that we read.Leaders are readers


  • David Betts

    02/11/2016 Duration: 45min

    An artist, a father a husband and retired from army, 

  • Why you Love Books

    19/10/2016 Duration: 45min

    Books make your mind sharper, life more exciting, spirits higher, stress levels lower, heart more compassionate. That is only the begining, and then there is more.

  • Science Fiction or Science Fact; You be the judge

    14/09/2016 Duration: 29min

    Robert Hugh Benson lived from 1871 to 1914, in his book Lord of The World, it seemed like he was able to see a future without religion, or a future where religion was outlawed completley. Was he a prophet or just a great writer?contact me with any ideas on this great book

  • Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

    09/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever had one of those moments where you experienced life in a way you never imagined? If you did, it is probably because you stepped out of your comfort zone. When we step outside of that routine and actually embrace discomfort we can experience unexpected bliss and a reality that goes beyond our wildest imagination.  

  • Making the Space for Love

    07/09/2016 Duration: 24min

    Reading Lesson 7 from chapter 1 of "Calling in the One by Katherine Woodward Thomas. In this chapter we begin to make the space in our life, in our home, and in our heart for the love that wish to attract. "If you want a great love to come to you, you must make sure that our environment is an open and welcoing space for that person to show up."Join us live at five today wed, you call fifteen minutes before the show in order to participate and ask questions.How far can you fly?